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The Five Behaviors® Team Development

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Develop a cohesive, intact team. Participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together.


This 37-page report will:


  • Introduce you to the five behaviors that a cohesive team needs to master.

  • Visually summarise your team survey results using the five behaviors pyramid model.

  • Go into detail about your team and each of the five behaviors, starting with Trust.

  • The Example of Building trust – For each of the five behaviors, the report provides the following information – this example is specifically trust. The level of detail is the same of the other four behaviors:

    • The team’s average scores for each trust-related question in the assessment are based on a five-point scale. 
    • For each of these survey responses, a more detailed view of the results, a description of what a cohesive team looks like, and a personalized view of your team’s current situation. 
    • Introduces you to the DiSC® model and your DiSC style, describing the impact that your style has on your tendencies, preferences, and the contributions that you make to the workplace.
    • You and your teammates plotted on the DiSC map, summarizing all your DiSC styles. 
    • A clear summary of what is needed to achieve trust in your team and presents the two most important questions to discuss to build trust in your team. 
    • The section concludes with your team’s action plan to build trust, providing a clear description of what team members do with and without trust, asking the team to define three things that the team could do to improve the level of trust and the steps that the team can take to overcome obstacles that the team identifies.
  • For Mastering Conflict, Achieving Commitment, Embracing Accountability, and Focusing on Results, each of these sections of the report concludes with your team’s action plan, specifically:

    • For Mastering Conflict - Provides a clear description of what a team that fears conflict looks like compared with a team that engages in conflict, asking the team to define what fears or behaviors are most likely preventing productive conflict and to define concrete benefits the team would see if it had healthy conflict more often.

    • For Achieving Commitment –. Provides a clear description of what a team that fails to commit looks like compared with a team that commits, asking the team, for example, to define three changes that could increase the commitment on the team to an even higher level and the specific ways that clarity can be achieved.

    • For Embracing Accountability –. Provides a clear description of how a team that avoids accountability behaves compared with a team that embraces accountability, asking the team, for example, to list specific benefits of engaging in the positive behaviors of accountability and what the team could put in place to improve feedback.

    • For Focusing on Results – Provides a clear description of how a team behaves that is not focused on results compared with a team that does focus on results, asking the team, for example, to list specific obstacles keeping them from focusing on results and what specific changes can the team make to help team members feel motivated to achieve team results.


One profile is needed per person. The assessment takes 15-20 minutes to complete.



Buy More, Save More! Discounted Pricing Available

Total Profiles             Price per profile (£)     
  • 1 - 15
  • £133.01
  • 16 - 30
  • £129.68
  • 31 - 45
  • £126.36
  • 46 - 60
  • £123.03
  • 61 - 99
  • £119.71
  • 100 - 149
  • £116.38
  • 150 +
  • £113.05

What Happens When You Have Completed Your Order?

You will receive an email with a link and code to take the assessment for each profile that you have ordered from This email will be sent to the email address you entered during checkout.

You will need to forward the emails to your teammates when ordering multiple profiles. If you want to see their completed report, you will need to ask them to send their completed report to you.

Self-Administration of Profiles

You can order your own administration account simultaneously with your first profiles. This account will give you complete control of issuing access codes to your colleagues to complete their assessments. You will also have access to other Everything DiSC or Five Behaviors assessments. The account allows you to view and print completed profile reports and allows you to display your own logo on the profile cover pages.

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