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Everything DiSC® Group Culture Report

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Everything DiSC® Group Culture Report examines the DiSC® culture of a group, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each style, its influence on decision-making and risk-taking, and its effect on group members individually.

Please note that group members' names are not shown in this report.


This 13-page report will:


  • Introduction. This section provides a brief overview of group culture, why it is important, and explores the origins of your group’s culture.
  • Your DiSC Culture. This section provides an Everything DiSC Map showing the distribution of DiSC styles in your group and a data table expanding on the styles represented in the group.
  • DiSC Style Culture. For each primary DiSC style, it identifies its characteristics and lists the qualities that are encouraged and frowned upon by members of the group with this style. It also identifies the advantages and drawbacks of this culture.
  • Keep individual DiSC styles anonymous. Unlike the facilitators' report, this report does not show the names of individual group members, just their styles.



What Happens When You Have Completed Your Order? will email you the report once your group has completed all the Workplace DiSC profiles.

Self-Administration of Profiles

You can order your own administration account. This account will give you complete control of creating the group report and issuing access codes to your colleagues to complete assessments. You will also have access to other Everything DiSC or Five Behaviors assessments. The account allows you to view and print completed profile reports and display your own logo on the profile cover pages.

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